Leave No One Behind This Holiday Season!

The year-end holidays are a season of gift-giving,  goodwill, and celebration. People around the globe celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, and other holidays during this period. Gifts have been picked, wrapped are placed beneath a Christmas tree to be opened on Christmas day.

This is a time filled with festivities, family, friends, and happiness. For many of us,  it is the most wonderful time of the year, when we hold our loved ones close and celebrate the blessings we have been given. But not for everyone. There are many unfortunate around us, sick, isolated,  lonely,  hungry, struggling to make ends meet, or who do not have a home to go to.

Those people should not be left behind. The year-end holidays are a season of generosity toward others, and a great opportunity to reach out to those who may not be able to afford presents under the Christmas tree, who are sick and fragile, lonely,  homeless, or to any other beneficiary of your choice by making charitable donations. 

There are thousands of charities in Canada that will warmly welcome your contributions.   Charities need your help to continue their selfless initiatives in making the world a better place to live.  Reach out, and take a part in making the world a better place.  Do something different. Discover a charity you did not know about this season and get to know them – smaller charities in Canada need your support. Even a small donation to the cause you choose can bring a ray of sunshine to someone’s day.

All active charities in Canada are registered with CRA Charities Directorate. You can find a charity you want to support by searching online at https://www.canada.ca/en/services/taxes/charities.html.

A registered charity refers to a charitable organization, public foundation, or private foundation registered with the Canada Revenue Agency. Donations to a registered charity are tax-deductible. To qualify for a tax deduction in the current calendar year, donations must be made by December 31st.

May the giving spirit of this holiday season inspire you to help others and make a positive difference in the world?  Even need knows no season,  but at least this holiday season, show your generosity with a gift of a change, to the life of someone in need.