Author Archives: BCF

COVID-19 is Stealing from the Most Vulnerable

For the last two years, fully-abled children and youth have struggled with school closures and forced online learning. Even though we are a highly virtual and digital society, prior to a year and a half ago, the thought of ushering our youngest generation to the computer in solitude for screen-time education was downright insane. Children […]

Human Rights – A Constant Struggle That Lasts

International Human Rights Day is celebrated every year on December 10, the day the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed in 1948. Then, for the first time in the history of mankind, the right of all people to life, liberty, and security was recognized without distinction. The Declaration states that each person […]

Leave No One Behind This Holiday Season!

The year-end holidays are a season of gift-giving,  goodwill, and celebration. People around the globe celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, and other holidays during this period. Gifts have been picked, wrapped are placed beneath a Christmas tree to be opened on Christmas day. This is a time filled with festivities, family, friends, and happiness. For many of […]

International Day of Down Syndrome – March 21

Down syndrome is a condition in which a child is born with an extra copy of their chromosome. It’s the most common genetic chromosomal disorder and each year, approximately 3,000 to 5,000 children are born with this genetic disorder.  Down syndrome usually causes varying degrees of lifelong developmental disabilities and associated medical issues, and they […]

International Day of Person with Disabilities – December 3rd

December 3rd is International Day of Persons With Disabilities, dedicated to increasing public awareness and acceptance of people with disabilities and celebrating their achievements.   It is an annual observance proclaimed in 1992 by the UN General Assembly that aims to focus on issues affecting persons with disabilities worldwide and to promote their rights, dignity and […]

International Day of Older Person – October 1st

In 1990, the United Nations proclaimed October 1st as the International Day of Older Persons. Every October 1st the world observers this day to raise public awareness of supporting older people and recognizing their achievements. This day is also an opportunity to advocate for the rights of older people and to raise awareness about issues […]

World Patient Safety Day – September 17th

17th September was declared as World Patient Safety Day by WHO in 2019. This event was proclaimed with the purpose to increase public awareness and engagement, enhance global understanding, and to call for global solidarity and actions to improve patient care. Patient saf犀利士 ety is defined as the prevention of harm to patients and includes […]

Experience the Joy of Charitable Giving!

The International Day of Charity was established to recognize and celebrate charitable works of organizations and individuals that devote time and effort to help those in need.  In honouring the spirit of giving and promoting charitable efforts, September 5th was designated as the International Day of Charity by the United Nations in 2012. On this day, the […]